Wednesday, 8 December 2010

The Misunderstanding of Capitalism by the Left

I often encounter a lot of visceral hatred & disgust at the system of Capitalism via the media, which, unsurprisingly 90% can be sourced back to somebody or something on the left of the political spectrum. They go on and on about some kind of perceived injustice; about how XYZ plc is funneling their profits into a low-tax jurisdiction, and how they bully the weaker competition into submission whilst refusing to disclose information concerning employees salaries etc etc

Now, on some points I concur - that yes, the company or individual concerned has acted against the law or perhaps the spirit of the law. But here's the difference: I don't believe Capitalism should be brought down because of it. Instead, I am merely angry at the accused proponent of whatever illegitimate action for bringing the model into disrepute and thus opening it up to attack.

You see, Capitalism, is according to the parameters set by those on the Left, not a perfect system. But it *is* the perfect system for reflecting the world as it is. And it's key ingredient lay in it's promotion of Liberty, i.e. the ability for people to do as they please. It is consequently, the greatest mirror we can hold up to the face of humanity.

We are not a perfect race, and it's therefore unreasonable & illogical to expect a system of society to function in a way which tries to adhere a perfect world. Instead, the way to view Capitalism is with the understanding that if everybody on this globe were operating at a level of basic Integrity it would be a system of 100% outcome perfection.

Yet the planet is approximately 80% non-integrous, meaning that Capitalism despite it's array of disciplining fail-safe's will always pump out seeming inequities that have Liberals foaming at the mouth.

But they ignore the enormous power of Capitalism to help and assist the lower 80% to rise up and join the integrous 20%. Something which can only happen because the system recognises the intrinsic freedom of man, empowering individuals to express themselves and ennoble the world with their gifts, talents & wisdom. As this grows, power hypertrophies enabling all the ability to become strong.

It automatically employs a hierarchy, but one that has ladders going both up AND down. It's best described by this axiom; it sorts the wheat from the chaff.

Continuing on from these incontrovertible realities, which to their credit the Left has begrudgingly accepted is how they've remodelled their approach to in effect, play the role of referee; of 'tinkerman'. So while many progressives see the benefits of free markets, they now revel in holding the whistle, a tool which they love to blow 'foul' with every time someone trips up (something we saw in the recent financial crisis) even if the player concerned fell over their own ankle. Furthermore, bit by bit, they're also transforming the pitch in which everybody plays on; from hard but fair grass to something more akin to a bouncy castle.

The resultant effect this bouncy castle replacement has though is quite obvious, as although nobody every really get's hurt - at least not in the sense of a grazed knee, they instead go from very high to super low whilst simultaneously having to perform miracles of dexterity to avoid other 'competitors'. A term that, in itself is now dying out, to be replaced with 'participants'.

It's this infantilization of business, this gross over-extension of the welfare state into the affairs of private enterprise that removes perhaps the greatest strength of capitalism; the ability to fail. You see, sometimes a grazed knee teaches us a lesson, it tells us we got something wrong and forces us to assess our performance. The same goes even if it results in a thousand disfigurations or a million deaths. The process is there to teach us a lesson.

This slow but sure defenestration of Capitalism skewers the basic foundations of what makes it so great; and removes the component of Truth from the environment. As Margaret Thatcher once remarked: 'The facts of life are Conservative', and it's the very same facts of life that Lefties expend much energy fighting against. It's symbolic then that the very system which reflects this inescapable reality the most, is the very system Marxists and those on the Left seek to attack on a constant basis.

You see, what they're truly rebelling against is the innate base of collective humanity; that 80% of society is below the line of integrity (Dr. Hawkins, 2004). So no matter what system we utilise, there will always be so called 'injustices', there will always be 'victims' and there will always be 'senseless destruction' & 'greed'.

Capitalism is not exempt from this, but that does not imply that in and of itself it contains the inherent seeds for below integrity behaviour. The real failure does not lie on the shoulders of it's structural skeleton but the failure of humans be it deliberate or benign to properly deploy it to it's fullest potential. It's in this gap that loopholes exist and are free to be exploited. But the marvellous thing is, is that in the more rigorous Capitalist set-ups around the world such loopholes never last for long. And no, this isn't because some Leftist has blown the whistle, but 99% of the time it's down to the power of market discipline whipping operations and entrepreneurs into shape.

So, bearing in mind 4/5ths of the worlds population is non-integrous, conceive of the possibility of us throwing out Capitalism and adopting Communism as it's replacement. See how such a system while hailed as wondrous concept, is exploitable by the 80%, but, without the comeuppance facility of Capitalism to eliminate any illicit activity, unfathomable horrors are easily perpetrated and tolerated. See how by switching the hierarchical pyramid upside down from the few on top to the many on top it effortlessly leads to the tyranny of the masses upon the minority, or even worst, upon the individual. See how it robs people of their autonomy to self-determine their own paths; how it fosters sclerotic beliefs in the all encompassing power of the state; and how it by kicking away the ladders of liberty everybody is less mobile - reduced to a cog by machine of Government - dehumanized in the present and an irrelevance to the future.

What the Left needs to comprehend is that this world is purgatory - that is the truth. So whilst this life on Earth retains the capacity for both Beauty and Agony; Heaven and Hell. Communism will take you straight to Hell. But Capitalism? Well, it'll never rid us of the Hell part, but at least we'll get a little slice of Heaven.

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