Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Egalitarianism is Bad for Relationships. Here's Why...


I found this post at Al Jahom, a Conservative Commentator's blog; http://aljahom.wordpress.com/2010/08/16/honest-assessment/

Here's an article that Al Jahom links to; http://www.telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/5978268/Have-you-turned-your-man-into-a-hermaphrodite.html

I've quoted it below for your benefit. My commentary comes after the below section.

Take a long hard look at the man in your life. Yes him, the one lounging on the sofa, half-comatose in front of Midsomer Murders. Do you ever find yourself wishing he had a little more get-up-and-go, showed a bit more testosterone-fuelled drive, was – dare I say it – a touch more, you know, manly?

Is he passive rather than active? Does he leave most decision-making to you? Do you feel irritated that he happily fusses around in the kitchen when guests come for supper, but expects you to remember to take out the bins and fill the car with petrol?

If so, then chances are, you only have yourself to blame. A new survey by Oxford University has revealed that women are attracted to men they believe will help out with household chores and childcare. British men came third, after Swedes and Norwegians, in an international egalitarian index.

The survey concluded that our menfolk make the best husbands – which doesn’t quite tally with the fact that 45 per cent of marriages end in divorce. But, according to a leading relationship coach, a great many relationship disasters stem from the fact that modern women are turning their husbands hermaphrodite.

No longer sure of their role, these "egalitarian" men have been left straddling the gender divide and are becoming male-female hybrids, in some cases displaying far more feminine characteristics than their partners.

"Some women have become ball-breakers," says Francine Kaye, known professionally as The Divorce Doctor, with an eponymous website. "It’s not entirely our fault, because the demands of the workplace have changed us, and brought out our more masculine side. But unfortunately we’re taking that home with us every evening into the domestic sphere, and often bullying our men into submission."

This article is something I’ve been waiting to see pop up for a while now, and I’m glad it’s finally surfacing. It’s a major sub-cultural issue in our society and it’s really having an underground effect upon our collective well-being.

Back in 2005 after I a relationship break-down (read: I was dumped) I faced a turning point in my life. From this I quickly found ‘the seduction community’. Essentially it’s a community of men (and some women) who group together online and in real life to study the art of seduction & attraction. It’s a murky, sometimes dark world which can exploit animal/ego programming in human biology but it definitely is an incredibly fascinating world. From entering this ‘community’ (as it’s self-referenced by members) I learned an insane amount on the fundamentals of social attraction and basically how to interact with females. The teachers and leaders of this industry (known as PUAs: Pick Up Artists) often recite on and on about the emasculation of men in a post-feminist world and how in actual fact, we are designed to work in tandem with each other but from within our separate gender types. In basic rudimentary terms; ‘men be the men, women be the women’.

My education then exposed how much in error I was in my past relationships and that going forward I would need to incorporate much of the psychology these guys were teaching if I was ever to have a healthy, sustainable, loving relationship.

But, it is a shady world, with very few legitimate, respectable experts and I did experience a lot of darkness, which led to me dropping out. Eventually I segued into a more spiritual, higher perspective via a new teacher who revealed the many mistakes the community makes.

However, the core lessons stay with me and shed light on so many issues I see with male/female relationships in 2010. This article hits the nail on the head; the one instinctive turn-off for a man is a woman of critical, nagging character. My sister, god bless her, has been single for a long time, and I know it’s because of her bossy boots, know-it-all, condescending personality. Granted, she is a sparkling law student destined for a high flying career in the bar, but still, I feel sorry for her. She needs to lighten up, and so do so many of her contemporaries.

A weak man, which I once was (alongside being a Leftist), is viewed with incredible contempt by virile women. And witnessing guys self-castrate in front of their girlfriends and other women is embarrassing and worrying; for the happiness of society, for balance and for the simple continuation of the human species. Furthermore, consider the children of these men, with eunic’s for fathers. Manhood is in danger.

I’m grateful back in 2005 I had my life-changing epiphany, that led to me last year accepting I had become a Conservative (a great change). Now I believe I see the world in more true way and it’s a place where strength is of great importance as a prerequisite for respect, harmony and equality between the sexes.

It’s not ideal to be rigid about our roles, some flexibility, nuance and emotional intelligence is needed. But women must be more willing to relax & let go, but we as men must step up and help them do so first.

This entire relationship/cultural issue is a demonstration of where egalitarianism, when taken to far, to literally will take us. And an example of why left politics is so often, utterly wrong in it’s estimation of reality. And the results are akin to shooting oneself in one’s foot.

‘Women and Men are not equals, but instead, complementary to one another’ – Seduction Community Phrase
